
Warcraft mind magic
Warcraft mind magic

Start buffs, conjure rations, and eat/drink in one click #showtooltip Croissant castsequence reset=50 Frost Nova, Mana Shield, Blink, Blizzard, Cone of Cold Portal: Shattrath Portal: Stormwind Portal: Ironforge Portal: Dalaran AoE Grinding (Non-Frost) #showtooltip Blizzard cast Portal: Exodar Portal: Darnassus Portal: Theramore Portal: Shattrath Portal: Orgrimmar Portal: Undercity Portal: Dalaran Alliance #showtooltip cast Portal: Silvermoon Portal: Thunder Bluff Portal: Stonard Same as above, but with Portal spells instead of Teleport spells. Teleport: Theramore Teleport: Shattrath Teleport: Stormwind Teleport: Ironforge Teleport: Dalaran One-Click Portal cast Teleport: Exodar Teleport: Darnassus Teleport: Stonard Teleport: Shattrath Teleport: Orgrimmar Teleport: Undercity Teleport: Dalaran Alliance #showtooltip cast Teleport: Silvermoon Teleport: Thunder Bluff This one can travel to all seven destinations (adjust for faction or destination preference): There are many "one-click teleport" macros out there, but they often only feature some of a mage's possible destinations. Press to cast ice block, hold shift to cast and remove it (good for PvP and PvE for when you need to remove debuffs) castsequence reset=4 Ice barrier, Mana shield

  • Delete Slow Fall if you do not have the glyph!.
  • Customize by swapping Armors around depending on preference/spec.
  • Casts Frost Armor, etc, etc Mage Armor while holding Ctrl, or Molten Armor while holding Shift.
  • castsequence reset=5 Frost Armor, Arcane Brilliance, Ice Barrier, Slow Fall, Conjure Mana Gem castsequence reset=3 Molten Armor, Arcane Brilliance castsequence reset=3 Mage Armor, Arcane Brilliance castsequence reset=4 Arcane Brilliance, Molten Armor
  • Use: This yells, "Hooray, I made a macro!".
  • note the version of WoW that you tested it in.
  • follow the example format posted below (to get the frame around your macro, add a space before you start it).
  • When re-creating a macro in Useful macros please: In an effort to keep WoWWiki posts relevant please re-validate and re-post macros that work in the current version. Many spells were renamed and much of the scripted command functionality has been modified.


    NOTE: There were substantial changes to macros in Cataclsym ( Patch 4.0.1 and later).

  • 15.8 Summon + Freeze + Attack + Follow + Stay.
  • 15.7 Summon Pet + Buff + Never Deselecting Current Target.
  • 15.4 Combining Petfollow+Frostnova+Freeze.
  • 13.11 All Portals on one button (Flavor Text).
  • 13.10 Teleports + Portals + Hearthstone on one button.
  • 13.9 All teleports + hearthstone on one button.
  • 13.8 Portal/Teleport and announce to Raid/Party in one button.
  • 13.2 All Teleports + Portals on 3 Buttons.
  • 13.1 Teleporting to Stormwind or Ironforge.
  • 12.2 Another conjure/consume food/water/gem in one button.
  • 12.1 Conjure/Consume Food, Water, and Gem all in one button.
  • 11.6 Polymorph with Focus, favouring Mouseover.
  • 11.5 Target Tracking with Instant Crowd Control Option.
  • 6.3 Frostbolt and Pet Attack (Anti-Ninja Version).
  • 6.2 Frostbolt and Pet Attack (Safe Auto-Target Version).
  • 2.9 Abyssal Seahorse, Ground and Flying mount, dismount and Slow Fall all-in-one.
  • 2.8 Start buffs, conjure rations, and eat/drink in one click (Grinder Version).
  • 2.7 Start buffs, conjure rations, and eat/drink in one click.

  • Warcraft mind magic